Search for tag: "cortex"

Lyle Muller-Neural traveling waves shape dynamics and computation across maps of sensory space

Neural traveling waves shape dynamics and computation across maps of sensory space

From  Kent Schnoeker

Natalie Trautt

Epigenomic Patterns in Early Developmental Mouse Models

From  Kent Schnoeker

Mora Ogando – Learning orthogonalizes cortical codes by reconfiguring inhibitory microarchitecture.

From  Mike Jeffs

Kay Tye - Rising Stars

From  Mike Jeffs

Nathan Shock - Pilot Grant Call information session

From  Mike Jeffs

Nathan Shock - Nicola Neretti

Single-cell transcriptomics reveals markers for different forms of cellular senescence

From  Mike Jeffs

Nathan Shock - Dibyadeep Datta

Elucidating the Spatial and Temporal Progression of Pathology of Alzheimer’s Disease at Single-Cell Resolution in Non-Human Primates

From  Mike Jeffs

Nathan Shock - Peter Sudmant

Mitochondrial haplotype and mito-nuclear matching drive somatic mutation and selection through aging

From  Mike Jeffs

Nathan Shock - Nicole Coufal

Human microglial aging modeled through mitochondrial progeria mutations

From  Mike Jeffs

Axel Nimmerjahn - Promotion Seminar

From  Mike Jeffs

Research Professor Marga Behrens - Podcast Season 2

Salk research professor Marga Behrens is a member of Salk’s Computational Neurobiology Laboratory. She examines genes, environmental influences and the interplay between the two to determine…

From  Alex Endsley

Rudiger Klein - Regulation of cerebral cortex folding by inter-cellular communication

From  Salk Comm

John Bekkers - The five steps to giving a good talk: life lessons and science with Chuck

Charles F Stevens Conference Australian National University

From  Salk Comm

How the brain encodes social rank and "winning mindset."

Salk researchers have made inroads into understanding how the mammalian brain encodes social rank and uses this information to shape behaviors. In mice engaged in a competition, the team discovered,…

From  Mike Jeffs