Search for tag: "building"

A Tribute to Nobel Laureate Roger Guillemin Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Salk Institute

From  Liz Hincks

Rusty Gage - Opening Remarks

From  Mike Jeffs

Cancer Center EAB February - Session 1

From  Mike Jeffs

A Glimpse of Us - Adam Ames

from Facility Services

From  Mike Jeffs

Salk architecture - More About Concrete

The poured in-place concrete is a major architectural feature in the design of the Salk Institute. This unique concrete provides both the structure of the building and the finished surface of the…

From  Liz Hincks

Salk Architecture - Concrete

Retired architect Randall Mower shares fascinating insights on Louis Kahn's unique use of poured-in-place concrete at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA.

From  Liz Hincks

Professor Tom Albright - Podcast Season 3

Tom Albright is a professor and director of Salk’s Vision Center Laboratory. He combines physiological, neurological and computational studies, to reveal how the brain enables humans to…

From  Liz Hincks

Moses Chao - A neuroscientist with many hats

From  Salk Comm

Jonathan Salk

Jonathan will share personal reflections of his father, Jonas Salk, engage in a live chat with Salk President Rusty Gage.

From  Mike Jeffs

Facilities Department Meeting-Jan22

From  AV Salk

Live Chat with Rusty, Jerry, and Bryan

Learn how the External Relations department and the CSO office are collaborating to support the growth and continued success of Salk science. with Q&A

From  AV Salk