Search for tag: "chuck"

Celebration of Life Reception - Charles F Stevens

From  Mike Jeffs

Lynn Dobrunz - Chuck Stevens: Short-term plasticity, long-term impact

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 University of Alabama at Birmingham

From  Salk Comm

Stuart Lipton - Ghost pathways via protein S-Nitrosylation injure synapses in Alzheimer’s Disease

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 Scripps Research

From  Salk Comm

Welcoming remarks and introduction - Lynn Dobrunz

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023

From  Salk Comm

Yukiko Goda - Astrocytes shape the variability of synaptic strengths in the hippocampus

Charles F Stevens Conference Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

From  Salk Comm

John Bekkers - The five steps to giving a good talk: life lessons and science with Chuck

Charles F Stevens Conference Australian National University

From  Salk Comm

Shyam Srinivasan - My journey with Chuck and identifying principles of brain organization

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 Salk Institute, UC San Diego, and Scripps Research

From  Salk Comm

Daniel Gardner - Neurocomputing, a primer

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 Cornell University

From  Salk Comm

Anthony Zador - Computing through a genomic bottleneck

Charles F Stevens Conference Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

From  Salk Comm

Palmer Taylor - Ligand elicited conformational states of nicotinic receptor

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 UC San Diego

From  Salk Comm

Terrence Sejnowski - What I learned from Chuck Stevens at the tea table

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 Salk Institute

From  Salk Comm

William Calvin - Chuck’s early years (1963-1980)

Charles F Stevens Conference University of Washington

From  Salk Comm

Edward Han - Functionally distinct subdomains of dopamine in the hippocampus

Charles F Stevens Conference Washington University in St. Louis

From  Salk Comm

Richard Tsien - Channels, synapses and principles of CFS

Charles F Stevens Conference New York University

From  Salk Comm

Donald Lo - And the third thing is …

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (EATRIS)

From  Salk Comm