Search for tag: "enzyme"

4-Sophie Chin

Tracking cohesin with Gpc Methyltranferase

From  Kent Schnoeker

Carlos Origel Marmolejo – A phosphorylation code coordinating transcription condensate dynamics and DNA replication

From  Mike Jeffs

Shawna Brookens – Aberrant glycosylation alters the tumor microenvironment in pancreatic cancer

From  Mike Jeffs

Christian Felipe Ruiz – Dietary fat dictates pancreatic tumorigenesis via phospholipid saturation

From  Mike Jeffs

Akanksha Thawani – Genetic Architects: How the LINE-1 Transposon Crafts the Human Genome

From  Mike Jeffs

Steven Artandi - Clone wars, telomerase and cancer

Dulbecco Lecture

From  Mike Jeffs

Professor Reuben Shaw - Podcast Season 2

Reuben Shaw is a professor and the director of the

From  Alex Endsley

Vickie Lundblad – Telomeres and Telomorase

From  AV Salk

Dennis Carson — Effective Treatment of Hairy Cell Leukemia: From Bench to Bedside

From  jmcdonagh

Benjamin Cravatt – Activity-Based Proteomics — Applications For Enzyme and Inhibitor Discovery

From  jmcdonagh