Search for tag: "exercise"

Ronald Evans - Roger Guillemin: A stress full life

From  Mike Jeffs

Aster Jin – The Bishops School

Systems Neurobiology – Tye

From  Mike Jeffs

Professor Ron Evans - Podcast Season 3

Ron Evans is a professor and director of Salk’s Gene Expression Laboratory. He is an authority on hormones, both their normal activities and their roles in disease. On this episode of Where…

From  Liz Hincks

Ron Evans - Novel Biological Principles for Enhancing Performance

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium 2023

From  Salk Comm

Karyn Esser - For best Performance, Schedule your Training

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

From  Salk Comm

Panel Discussion - Session 3: Optimum Schedule for Performance

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

From  Salk Comm

Aidan Glina - Machine learning for discovering performance gene network from large scale gene expression data

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

From  Salk Comm

Severin Ruoss - Spatial Transcriptomics in Skeletal Muscle

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium 2023

From  Salk Comm

Andrew McCulloch - The Multiscale Athlete

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

From  Salk Comm

Katie Knaus - Multiscale Models Provide Biomechanical Insight for Acute Exercise Experiments in Mice

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

From  Salk Comm

Satchin Panda - Overview

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

From  Salk Comm

Kaleen Lavin - PHITE Trial: Molecular Insights into Training Responses

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

From  Salk Comm

Joseph Ecker - Epigenetic Changes in Response to Exercise in Humans

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium 2023

From  Salk Comm

Marcas Bamman - PHITE (Precision High-Intensity Training Through Epigenetics) Trial: Leveraging Dose-Response Exercise Biology to Understand Molecular Circuitry of Human Performance Enhancement

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium 2023

From  Salk Comm

Juleen Zierath - Where will the Future of Exercise Biology Take Us?

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium Keynote

From  Salk Comm

Panel Discussion - The Future of Performance Science

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium 2023

From  Salk Comm