Search for tag: "channels"

3-Imane Elidrissi

Using Non-Invasive Ultrasound to Modulate Feeding Behavior in Mice

From  Kent Schnoeker

Trissania Lawrence

Comparative Analysis of Sono-channel Expression: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study

From  Kent Schnoeker

Carl Procko - Teeth and tentacles and trapping hairs, oh my!

Teacher Symposium

From  Sara Sandoval

Stuart Lipton - Ghost pathways via protein S-Nitrosylation injure synapses in Alzheimer’s Disease

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 Scripps Research

From  Salk Comm

Terrence Sejnowski - What I learned from Chuck Stevens at the tea table

Charles F Stevens Conference 2023 Salk Institute

From  Salk Comm